Superinjunctions (Imogen Thomas vs CTB vs twitter)
Shortened link to this page if you need it - I posted an article a while back about how useless the general public are at reporting news. Twitter is often hailed as a way of the public spreading news, but the problem is that you have no idea where rumours started. Journalists (well, some of them - and you can probably figure out which ones have integrity) at least have a vague idea about how to source information reliably. It's their job to do so. And most members of the public suck at it. For this reason, we need journalists to do their job. Background info Right, superinjunctions. A standard injunction prevents the media releasing details of something. A superinjunction prevents them from even mentioning that they can't talk about it. There are two problems with this: Firstly it is country specific. We are in a globally connected world. If you gag the UK media from talking about something that doesn't prevent someone outside the UK from publishing it,...