
Showing posts from June, 2011

Twitter protected accounts are antisocial - here's why

Shortened link to this page if you need it - or on twitter feel free to retweet me instead I've had several mini-rants on this topic before and it was one of the points in my "Antisocial Networking" blog post (also linked from my twitter bio) but I feel that the number of problems associated with protected twitter accounts deserve their own blog entry. So here's a list of scenarios/issues with protected twitter accounts and are all the reasons why I hate protected accounts, and generally don't follow any more of them: On the plus side I won't be able to see any negative replies from people who tries to disagree with me and send a tweet @sxa555 from a protected account ;-) (As an primer, ignoring the protected account issues here is a quick guide to @reples and DMs in general if you're not too familiar with it already) You can't find posts from protected accounts during a search . One of the great things about twitter is...