
Showing posts from August, 2011

@F1sp twitter account - saving non-F1 fans from twitter flooding

I often tweet during live Formula 1 motor racing. Usually before each race starts I put up a disclaimer like this to warn followers I might fill up their timeline with F1 information. In order to try and reduce the impact of that for non-F1 fans, I've created a second twitter account, @F1sp . This account is NOT going to be used to post tweets (which stops me needing from switch between accounts), but rather to hide F1 tweets from people who aren't interested. How will this work? Well all of my F1 tweets will be prefixed with @F1sp. That means that unless you follow @F1sp as well as my @sxa555 account, you won't see them, because twitter will automatically hide them from your timeline. Bear in mind that if you follow me via a list for my F1 tweets, you'll need to add the @F1sp account to that list as well. I don't expect to post much in the F1sp account, it's purely there do give me the ability to 'hide' F1 tweets from those who are not interested. ...

Four things you didn't know facebook allowed you to do

[Short link if you need it: ] This seemed like a good time to post this draft I've had given that Facebook is in the process of announcing some new privacy changes including tagging approvals and the ability to reset visibility of a post after you've posted it (instead of having to withdraw and repost as at present) and they are, of course another step in the right direction. There is a lot of information on the net from people who say that facebook isn't that great at privacy, and giving you control over your own data. And, well they're often right as I've said before . However there are a few things that I've heard people say that Facebook should provide, but they actually already do (and could do before Google+ before anyone starts). Here's a list, and how to access them (at the time of posting - they may move it of course - the last one's moved since I posted this!): Have your stream set to view just people in a list ...